Thursday 31 December 2009

The Law of Attraction Basics

What the Law of Attraction says, in a nutshell, is that like attracts like . This means that the things you think about the most are the things you will have in your life. So you may be wondering why we don t all have a million dollars, a mansion and a yacht since we all want to be wealthy?

Well, if everyone was truly thinking about these things all the time and in the right way than it could really happen but they aren t doing that. Instead people are too busy thinking about all the things they don t have in their lives.

The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like which means that if you think about all the things you want in life like good health, money, success in school or work, a beautiful home or a happy marriage you will just have a whole lot of nothing. The Law of Attraction works but not like that. It is a little more complicated.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to go beyond wishing for things and start thinking about how it would feel to have them, believe that you can and will have them and that you deserve to have them. You need to think positively in this way all the time in order for it to work.

You need to imprint your objectives into your subconscious mind on a subconscious level. To make so, download and use Subliminal Flash program, it uses subliminal messages to help you visualize your desires as if they are real.

Does it sound too good to be true? A lot of people think so. They don t understand how thinking about having a beautiful house can actually get you one. They don t think it makes sense that believing you will get a raise will lead to you getting a raise. Some people can t wrap their minds around the idea that using positive thought will help you achieve all your goals in life.

Do you understand this? Answer this question if you truly believe that you will never have the home, car or job of your dreams because it just isn t possible what will happen? You will get what you asked for, you won t have any of those things.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to picture your dreams coming true and see the things you want in your head. You must imagine what it will be like to really have them. You also have to truly believe that these things will happen and the things you want will come to you. That is all there is to it. The problem is our society focuses on earning the things you want so people are reluctant to believe that the Law of Attraction really can work for them.

There is no magic associated with the Law of Attraction. The things you desire are not going to show up on your doorstep overnight. Instead, the Law of Attraction presents you with opportunities to get the things you want in other ways. You may have to work for these things or it may be a little easier than that, it just depends.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you must be focused and present at all times. You have to think good thoughts and share those thoughts with the Universe. You will get a response from the Universe if you do this. You have to be open to new opportunities so you can recognize when the Universe sends them your way.

Article Source :

Vlad Stivenson, author of many articles about the law of attraction:

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Success - How Long Does It Take To Become Successful? 5 Components To Have Success!

As a society, we have developed an expectation of "instant" or "microwave results" and if those results are not met within the time frame we have established in our mind, then we can tend to get frustrated, and maybe quit working towards a successful outcome.
Author: Greg Nicholls

I enjoy microwave popcorn and I really like the fact that it is ready about 2-3 minutes from when I decide that I want some. I am also amazed at how computers have changed over the years; they have become faster and faster as the technology changed. But my favourite, is that I can be walking down the street
and decide that I want to speak on the phone with somebody and in 15 seconds I can have a mobile phone call connected.

In most cases, I have come to expect that when I want something now, that means I WANT IT NOW! Think about my example above, if it took 2-3 minutes for my mobile phone call to connect a call, or for my computer programs to open, I would likely be really frustrated - it would seem to be forever, but 2-3 minutes for popcorn is ok.

As a society, we have developed an expectation of “instant” or “microwave results” and if those results are not met within the time frame we have established in our mind, then we can tend to get frustrated, and maybe quit working towards a successful outcome.

“How long does it take to become successful?”

Do you think that the inventors of microwave popcorn developed the technology to produce microwave popcorn in 2-3 minutes, or 2-3 months? No, it was likely 2-3 years and guess what, they are still perfecting their success.

Although it does happen sometimes, what seems like “instant” or “microwave success” is becoming an expectation for almost everything, usually because the people observing the success of others, do not know about the actual amount of work the person has done before they got there. Those having success were just ready to receive success and that is when it came to them, but they became ready by being a student of some form of personal development.

Ok, now it is time to put down the popcorn, stop playing with your computer and shut off your mobile phone so we can get into the five specific components to success. It has been said many times before and here it is again…success is a choice and you can choose to succeed, or you can choose to fail, the good news is the choice is yours to make every single day.

Personal Development is actually a general description for the many small changes and choices made in your life daily towards your own personal success. There is a law to attracting success into your life and I will let you know of a movie that I recommend that reveals “the secret” below.

Now, success can be attained by following five simple recommendations; if you truly desire success, you will want to make sure that you implement these instructions and practice the five components to success daily:

1. Daily Meditation/Visualization of Goals – Specific goal setting and daily review; visualize your Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) goals with the emotion as if you have already have attained them.

2. Daily Income-Producing Activities – You can choose to be doing something that will produce revenue right now, if you are just thinking about it or trying to get your ducks in row, you are just wasting time. As Mike Litman says: “You Don’t Have To Get It Right, You Just Have to Get It Going!”

3. Study Personal Development – On a daily basis too; you can get plugged into the study of personal development, if you do not, you simply become a reflection of what you are plugged into (news media, negative friends and anything else that can bring you down) you are a product of what you allow into your mind.

4. Mastermind With Other Leaders - Have mentors and a coach; people that are having success in the area you want to succeed in people that are willing to teach you and keep you on track. Once you get a hold of them, do not let go! If you let them get away, they will not wait for you to catch up.

5. Cultivate The Expectation of Leadership – Leaders lead by example and do not look back and dwell on their failures. Expect excellence from yourself first and do the things you need to do on a daily basis. Then you can expect the same from others; the people that will become successful and contribute to your success by your influence and example. These people will have followed you because you expect leadership and success in yourself and in those around you.

While there are no guarantees in life; you can choose to follow the five components to success and implement them into your life consistently. When you do, you will get everything you desire!

Success and how long it takes to become successful...You should now understand; the answer to this is totally up to you!

Because YOU Deserve Money!

Greg Nicholls

© 2006. Nicholls Enterprises -

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Find Your Aim

In comparison to those that have no purpose in life, people that know what they live for seem happier and more energetic

They are focused on the aim that captures their thoughts and makes it easier to look at the negative things. Despite the difficulties in the strategy they have established they never stop thinking about the next step. If you attain the aim in your life, it becomes its sense and is the source of motivation. Being motivated you will start your both physical and spiritual development attaining new skills and you always dreamed of. You are guided by the stages you have established to reach the aim and forget about the intermediate problems that might occur on the way to the top.

After the consideration of the mentioned above is complete, the majority still tries to ignore the importance of having aims and just goes with the flow. Think carefully what kind of present would you like to get for yourself? Which variant out of listed below will be changing your life? At what positive change do you aim? Look through the following variants carefully and maybe you will find answers to the questions that are troubling you.

I commit myself to change the system of values in my life to tailor it to positively-oriented system. Every time I have a vacation I will make up a plan that will help me to spend it in an unforgettable way. I realize that new orientations will cost me a lot, but I’m ready to fight the circumstances. I oblige myself to dedicating time to formulation of a strategy that will help me on my way to success. In spite of the strain I am subjected to I will get necessary rest and spend time relaxing and having fun. Some of the duties will be sacrificed in the name of development and will not be regretted. I will make up a list of positive factors present in my life and establish new orientations. Every step towards success will bring me pleasure.

To make it easier to walk towards the light in my life I will get necessary practice. I will also develop my talents and acquire new skills to feel a step closer all the time. I will take my plans seriously and the process will bring pleasure. If there will be doubts, I will turn for help of my family and friends for advice. After I have a talk to those who are dear, my list will look like I always wanted it to. Final choice will depend on my desires I never had a chance to express. I will adhere to the plan established with little modification if necessary and no situation unless it is worthy will make me leave a track I have established.

I will transfer the most pleasant factor in my life into the aim and work in the direction of its development. I will focus on positive, seeing it only where it was only negative earlier. I will change my job if it is of no career interest any more, I will realize the dreams I have had always. I will turn my hobbies into business if it is possible to get income
and pleasure. I will eliminate negative factors in my consciousness and find new things to focus on. I will be ready for negative surprises and will delete them situation permitting. I will not stop thinking about the final result and move only forward. I will share success to make the dearest and nearest also happy. And I will never forget that this is my life and my choice I have to make.

About Author

The article was produced by Tyler Benson from , who has many years of experience in Custom Term Paper and Admission Essay writing. Check out more info on our website!

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Tuesday 22 December 2009

Benefits of Life Coaching

Kate Siner Francis discusses the purpose and benefits of life coaching. She explains how life coaching is a transformative process where the results are driven by a person’s effort and directly related to his/her personal goals.
Author: Kate Siner Francis

Article Tools:

Did you ever say to yourself, “I wish I could…, or, if only someone could help me figure this out…, or, the weeks, months, and years go by so quickly I can’t keep up…, or possibly, why can’t I make this work?” Well, it is these types of feelings that are addressed through coaching.

Perhaps you have heard of life coaching, it is a relatively new field that has been gaining popularity because of its effectiveness. But perhaps like many people, you still do not know how coaching might help you or what you can expect to gain from getting a coach.

Life coaching is a transformative process where the results are driven by your effort and directly related to your personal goals. Coaching has many potential benefits. Here are just a few:

• Achievement of your personal goals
• Increased focus, organization, and effectiveness
• Ability to move beyond previous limitations
• Expanded understanding of one’s potential
• A more joyful and passionate life
• Increased self-awareness
• Stronger, healthier boundaries
• Personal empowerment
• Increased confidence and self-esteem
• Expanded creative expression
• Increased energy and sense of well-being

Life Coaching, through its regularly scheduled meetings with the coach, provides a format of action and reflection coupled with accountability. This combination helps you quickly realize the changes that may have previously seemed to challenging. Life coaching also provides other key ingredients for your success.

• Coaching provides support and motivation
• Coaching helps you plan and strategize.
• Coaching helps you more quickly see results.
• Coaching provides accountability.
• Coaching can help you understand what you really want.
• Coaching helps you see your skills and talents, and how to apply them.
• Coaching also helps identify what traits and beliefs that stands in the way of your success.
• Coaching provides a sounding board for your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Choosing a life coaching is a commitment to your life and you’re your happiness. If you are still uncertain about whether it is right for you try a sample session or two. Since coaches believe that you know what is best for you, many of them offer a free, introductory, no obligation session so that interested people can discern whether the process of coaching and that coach is right for them.

About Author

Kate Siner Francis Ph.D: Trained and practicing healing & therapeutic work for over 15 years. Including the study of bodywork, expressive arts, shamanic healing, ritual, counseling methods, counseling theories and the completion of my Ph.D in humanistic and transpersonal psychology. My intention with everything I do is to be the clearest channel possible for transformation and healing. To learn more visit

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Monday 21 December 2009

The 10 steps to be Happy NOW!

Have you been wondering if happiness is even possible?
Author: Craig Nathanson

Yes, it is!

Deep inside, we all want to be happy, especially in the middle part of our lives. We also seek a simple process, and a new secret to reach this lifelong goal.

Well, I have a simple answer and, of course, a longer answer.

The simple answer is: choose to be happy! It is that easy, and that hard.
If you find this difficult, you might seek this path through your work. What we do determines who we are and who we become. Since work takes up the majority of our waking time, this is a good place to start. So here is what you have been searching for all your life — a ten step proven method to happiness.

Yes, it’s that easy (and that hard!)
Step One: Describe the parts of your life you are NOT happy.

Sometimes it takes defining and writing down the things in your life that are not making you happy. Only you can define this. Be honest with yourself. This is your private list. Examine all elements of your life. Think deeply about this. Reflect deeply on your relationships, your finances
, your work, your health, and most importantly, your emotional state. Are there elements in this list that you are not happy with? Identify them, and write them down.
Step Two: What needs to change now?

From the list you made in Step 1, what must change now to bring you greater happiness? What’s keeping you from moving towards what you want in your life? What is bringing you more pain than pleasure right now?
There is a difference between what should change and what must change. Changing something that is not bringing you happiness is not easy. Usually people will only consider change when the pain of NOT changing is greater than the pain of changing.

What kind of trigger would make you say enough is enough? Has this trigger already occurred? Write down what must change in your life NOW.
Step Three: What work could you do for a lifetime?

I have found the best approach to achieving happiness is through our work.
Your work can give you a sense of pride, self esteem, fulfillment
, and meaning. Loving your work can improve your quality of life, relationships, and emotional state. Loving your work also leads to a better financial state — once you do work you love, you will suddenly find creativity you never knew you had.

Jobs only lead to careers, which lead to retirement
, and then death. Vocation is work you can do for a lifetime.

Write down the work you would love to do, and that could last your lifetime.
Step Four: Envision your perfect day

Envision right now what it would be like to live each day the rest of your life doing the work you love. Don’t just think lightly about this. Think deeply about your entire day, and include every detail. When would you get up in the morning? What would you do? Think about the pattern of your entire day and evening, centered on the work you most want to do.

This isn’t JUST a motivational exercise. You are imprinting on your mind’s eye exactly what you want, and what activities would make you happy. Be careful what you imprint, as you WILL start to move towards it.
Step Five: What are the next steps to take now?

What actions could you take today to start these new habits? Research has suggested it takes doing something seven times in a row to develop new habits. What can you do each day for the next seven days to move forward?
For example, perhaps starting today, you can set aside a half hour each day.
On day one, write down your new goals, and what must change in your life.
On day two, perhaps you decide to tell someone else your decisions.
On day three, you do a little reading and research.
On day four, you make a phone call.
On day five, you make a plan to get closer to your goals.
On day six, you practice doing what you love.
On day seven, you talk to someone who is doing the work you most want to do — this gives you new ideas.

Suddenly, you find you have developed a new habit as well!
Step Six: Give yourself some advice

In mid-life, the best advice can come from within yourself. Imagine having a meeting with the inner you: describe your unhappiness, and more importantly, discuss what you most want to change right now. Hear yourself describing the challenge. Listen carefully to the advice the inner you gives. Some of you might call this intuition; others gut-feeling. Write down the advice you receive.

Read it, think about it, cherish it — follow it now.
Step Seven: Make a money plan

If you lost your job today, how long could you go without making any money? What resources could you tap into to extend this time?
How about your retirement fund? After all, you won’t need this because the only people who retire are people who don’t love what they do. In mid-life, when you’re going through major changes, you need free time more than you need money.

Once you start to work at what you love, how much do you need to make before taxes? Remember, there is a difference between “need” and “want.” There is always some downscaling needed for the first few years when you make a major transition from “just a job” to your lifetime vocation.
Step Eight: Tell your loved ones what you are doing.

Notice I said “tell”: don’t ask permission. If the relationship is on solid ground, your second half will respect the fact that you have given your life some deeper thought, and have decided to change. They know this will make you happier, and your happiness will make your relationship even better.
On the other hand, if you have asked for permission and not received it, then you have a different challenge. This stops many people.

You can benefit greatly from supportive loved ones, but you can die inside if you are living with people who only cheer you on when you are sticking with the status quo. If this is the case for you, you MUST change your team sooner or later.

Step Nine: Celebrate

Reward yourself with every step you take. This will reinforce your path towards greater happiness in your life. Make sure your rewards are healthy for you, and for those around you.

Step Ten: Keep the momentum — keep moving forward

Don’t let a day go by when you are not working on your OWN happiness. This is not selfish. In fact, it is the most unselfish thing you can do for yourself at this stage of your life. As you create more happiness for yourself, you will find that your life just works better at all levels. Those around will also notice and appreciate the difference.

You could just choose to be happy now — that’s the easiest course — but if you need a little jump start, try these ten steps NOW.

As always, I’ll be cheering you on as you go - Craig Nathanson

Craig Nathanson is the author of P Is For Perfect: Your Perfect Vocational Day and a coaching expert who works with people over forty. Craig’s new E-book, Discover and live your passion 365 days a year is a workshop in a box designed to help busy adults go insane with their work. Craig’s systematic approach, the trademark "Ten P" process,’’ helps people break free and move toward the work they love.

About Author

Visit Craig’s online community at where you can take a class, get more ideas through Craig Nathanson’s books and CD’s, get some private coaching over the phone or read other stories of mid-life change and renewal.Craig lives in Petaluma , California. His office is located at 155A Kentucky Street, Suite 5, Petaluma Ca, 94952. You can reach him at 707-775-4020 or at

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Stress Busters - Part 4 - Should Making Time For Me Be a Part of My Stress Management Program?

I can hear it now. "You are so selfish".

We sometimes are so used to doing and doing for other people, that even we feel like we are being selfish if we take time for ourselves. Not so. We have to take care of ourselves, not just by eating, drinking and sleeping. There is necessary time we have to spend to replenish our inner being. We want people to love us but how can we give to others what we don't have. Loving and caring for ourselves is not being selfish. It is appreciating and caring for the blessed life that we have. And that means taking time out to fill ourselves with good things so we have good to give to others.

My husband died when I was 55 years old. Infrequently, I had done hobbies and done little things for myself over the years. However, when he died, I went to the well, so to speak, and there was nothing for me because I had not replenished with the big things that would enable me to give love, hospitality and sharing to others the way I would have liked to do. I found myself very much in need of stress relief in realizing this.

Like most wives and mothers, I had given, given, and given because we basically are raised with "If you do for you, you are being selfish". It was a real hard lesson for me to learn that taking care of me FIRST was not being selfish if I was not hurting others and it put me in a position of being able to give more of me to others than I would have been able to do ordinarily. Even the Bible says to "love your neighbor AS yourself". If we love ourselves, we will take care of ourselves in all areas: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. So it starts with us and then goes to other people.

If you have ever flown with a baby, you probably remember the flight attendant giving instructions about the oxygen mask. If that mask drops down, you do NOT put it on the baby first. You are told to put the mask on you first then the mask on the baby. Why? Because if you pass out then you and the baby both could die because you didn't make sure that you stayed conscious so you could take care of the child.

We can't give love to others the way we would like to if we don't love ourselves. If we are stressed out, we can't be completely at peace with others. If we are miserable, how can we encourage others? We can't spread happiness if we are not happy. Basically, if we are not experiencing what we would like to share with others, it isn't going to work because we haven't taken care of or developed that for us first.

We live in a world referred to as "the Rat Race". Each day we deal with effects of stress from pollution, job pressure, traffic, family problems and, maybe, even crime that crop up from time to time. Then, there is the world scene that is only trouble, war, and more stress.

So how can we reduce stress in our lives? We take time for us each day. If 30-60 minutes is all that one can do, do that. Go to an art museum. Read a book that has intrigued you. Read the Bible if you are working on your spirituality. If you're so inclined, take a bubble bath with candles all around and luxuriate. See a movie or go to the library. Whatever you do, do it by yourself, without your phone, blackberry or anything else to disturb the time you set aside for you.

Especially if you are a mom or a professional working 60 or more hours a week, take the time to go to the park, ride a bicycle for 30 minutes, just do something for you by yourself without interruption. Do this every day even if it is only 15 minutes. It can give you a new lease on life.

Earlier I mentioned going to a museum for a reason. When we exercise, we exercise both sides of our body, not just one side. However, when it comes to our brain, the computer that runs everything, we have a tendency to develop mostly just one side. If you are right handed, this would be the left side of your brain that gets the most workout. If left handed you are considered right brained.

Since most people are right handed or left brained, that is the side that gets the most attention. But when we do that, we get lopsided because the right or creative side of our brain is not exercised as it should be so that our brains will be balanced just like our bodies.

So how can we exercise the right side of our brain? There are many ways that we can do that. These are just a few that you can consider:

1. Take an art class and learn to draw or paint
2. Learn to play an instrument
3. Take a writing course
4. Lean to quilt or do needlework
5. Indulge in singing lessons

Should you do all of the above? Only if you want to. Any type of creative endeavor on a regular basis will fit the bill. Do you have a little voice in the back of your head saying "I've always wanted to try painting (or singing or whatever suits your fancy)"? Give it a try. You may find your new calling or at the very least you will have the fun of doing something you always wanted to do. And you may even find that any of these can be stress busters that minimize the effects of stress in your life.

When you do this, your brain becomes more balanced because you are exercising both sides of your brain not just one. If we become more balanced in this area, this is going to eliminate some of the stress in our lives just as when we become more balanced emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Because we lead such busy lives, there are things that we just don't do for ourselves. It is important that we make time for some of these things. When we continually deny ourselves, our inner being, our inner child suffers. We do need to introduce enough of what we want and need in our lives to be happy and less stressed.

Even if it is only 15-30 minutes that you do something special for you each day, you will find more contentment and peace. And you will probably find that you need less stress management in your life as well.

Next time, we will consider the importance of providing a tranquil environment and how that can minimize the effects of stress in your life.

Have a great week.

Disclaimer: This article is issued with the understanding that while every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within is accurate, the author will not accept any responsibility for any loss or otherwise, as a consequence of using any of the information that has been presented. The opinions are those of the author who has researched the information and lives by these principles and techniques as well. Users are urged to seek medical advice before embarking upon or changing a course of medication or fitness program or before making extreme changes in their life style.

Karen C Groves is a 67 year young widow, mother and daughter of parents in their 90's. For over 15 years she was involved in the health field. Six of those years were working with products specifically designed for cancer patients and diabetics. Her interests are writing, reading, self improvement, playing games, becoming very business savvy, building web sites and spiritual growth. For more information on Stress Busters for Your Stress Management Program, go to

Article Source:

Karen C Groves - EzineArticles Expert Author