Sunday 17 January 2010

Six Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem By: Leslie Sokol, Ph.D. and Marci Fox, Ph.D. January 18, 2010

Has your self-esteem gone into hibernation with the bears or fallen by the wayside like the leaves on the trees? Before you let one more moment slip away, put the spring back into your step without waiting for the thaw. Whether your self-esteem is still going strong, fading, has disappeared all together, it makes sense for all us to nurture our confidence. Confidence equips us to face the tough and unpleasant times and allows for joy and pleasure when living is easy.
Here are 6 ways to give a boost to your self-esteem:
1. Recognize and embrace your positive qualities. Make a list of all your assets including skills, experiences, physical and social resources, talents, and anything else that makes you feel good about yourself. Add to the list the compliments that others have given you as well. Reminding yourself of all your assets is a sure confidence booster.

2. Accept that you are a desirable package rather than any one individual item. Accept that you are not perfect. Don’t let any one particular shortcoming negate that you are a complex, multifaceted desirable package. See the desirable package that you are by taking a picture of yourself with a big smile on your face and post it on your bathroom mirror. Every time you look at your smile think of each of the positive characteristics that define you.

3. Trust that you are competent. Remind yourself of all the problems you have faced and tackled. Have faith that even if you cannot deal with a problem yourself that you will have the ingenuity to get the help, skills, or knowledge that you need. Doubting your capability? Take on a new challenge and prove to yourself you CAN rather than you can’t. Pay attention to each accomplishment regardless of how small and make a mental note or, even better, keep a note pad. Give yourself extra credit when it required significant effort and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back.

4. Believe in your own worth. Recognize that means making yourself a priority some of the time. Think of something you want to do and do it. Give yourself permission to say no, ask for what you want, or maneuver into a position to make it happen. Be prepared to tolerate disappointing others for the sake of recognizing that you matter and taking care of yourself.

5. Think back to most recent experience where you felt you fell short, made a mistake, or messed-up and force yourself to name five things that went right. We are not defined by any one thing but by the accumulation of our experiences.

6. Look in a full size mirror and pick five things that you are looking at that make you feel good. You can pick five things you see on the outside such as your physical attributes: eyes, lips, hair, nails, legs, feet, toes, or smile. You can also pick things related to your style such as: your hairdo, clothing, stance, make-up, shoes, or jewelry. In addition, you can pick items that come from the inside such as: your sparkle, spirit, energy, compassion, or kindness. Having trouble? Ask someone that matters to you to name five things you have to feel good about yourself. Try this every day for a week.

Friday 8 January 2010

The Gift of Imagination Conscious Evolution and Spiritual Growth With Creativity

It is vital to the happiness of every individual that he or she continues to evolve in spiritual growth, self awareness, and personal development. This growth and expansion as our true and authentic self is the basis of all spirituality. Accordingly, this growth and expansion can be enhanced by the use of the gift of imagination for creativity.

Progression and advancement in consciousness is the Universal Law of Continual Consciousness. And just how does creativity and imagination play an impacting role in our progression and advancement in consciousness? It plays a role through our ability to constructively and productively use the imagination to co create life. The imagination when use properly begins the process of allowing the Creative Spirit to move.

Each time we use the gift of imagination properly we stir creative expression (the movement of the creative spirit). Creative expression promotes conscious evolution and spiritual growth. This growth and evolution is possible because as we use the gift of imagination, we are inspired and we inspire others. This inspiration is the substance which allows us to become more and add more life to life. Accordingly, if we were to ever wonder what the greatest desire for all mankind and womankind could be, the answer would be—more life. More life is riches and we have a divine right to live richly and in abundance.

Now, the question is, how can we use our imagination effectively to enhance creativity, conscious evolution, and spiritual growth? The answer is, go to the core of your being where your true and authentic self resides. Your true and authentic self is a natural co creator who has been implanted with a vision for purpose in life. When we use the gift of imagination from the core of our true and authentic self, we are powerful co creators and most importantly we are functioning as unstoppable visionaries.

A fine illustration from an artistic perspective is the art form of performance art, specifically acting and dramatic interpretation. An actor or actress who wants to deliver a powerful and dynamic performance always looks for ways to relate to the character from his or her true and authentic self—why? By taking the time to relate some aspect of the character’s nature to his or her true and authentic self, the performance becomes more authentic. And if this actor or actress is seeking to communicate something about life and the human condition, he or she evolves and grows from having “played” the role of the character.

For example, if you were an actress who wanted to play the role of Lady Macbeth and you wanted to identify with her character, you may want to tap into your desire for success and fame in order to understand Lady Macbeth’s ambition and greed. To heighten the identification and relation to the character, you may use your imagination to intensify your desire for success in order to understand Lady Macbeth’s level of ambition. You may ask yourself: “What lengths would I go to achieve success?” With greater intensity with the use of your imagination, you may imagine what Lady Macbeth is feeling. How she make think she is justified in her actions. Later as she is tormented with guilt of her actions, you may use your imagination through the knowledge of your true and authentic self to understand her guilt.

Once your performance of Lady Macbeth has ended, it would be beneficial to you the artist to take the time to discover what new things you have discovered about who you really are and what is important to you. As such, by way of creativity and your imagination, you have grown in some way spiritually and consciously for having played the role of Lady Macbeth.

The same is true when we sing a song, draw picture, paint a portrait, or read literature. The same is true when we visualize how we want to live our lives, take meditative journeys to understand our true desires, or journal for self realization. Creativity is creativity. It does not matter if creativity is used for art, personal development, spiritual development, self actualization, or self improvement. It does not matter because in the process, we are embarking on a journey to discover more about who we really are. The authenticity of this discovery is what leads to spiritual growth, conscious evolution, personal power, and success. This freedom of self discovery becomes contagious and it inspires others to reach within to create more life.

So, if you desire to grow, progress, and expand spiritually and consciously, use the gift of imagination in the creation process. The imagination can be a great tool for personal development. Imagination is a powerful gift and it is most powerful when we use it as our true and authentic self. The journey begins when we let go and let the Creative Spirit move.

Carmellita M. Brown is the Founder and Creative Director for Blue Lotus Living, a Spiritual and Personal Development Community and Holistic Lifestyle Media and Education Company. She has developed a creative success system to teach the power of co-creating life at

Source : Article Directory Online : Free Online Article Submission

Monday 4 January 2010

Personal Development For Success. What Are The Alternatives?

Young people growing individually is the underpinning theme of Personal Department. Included are the development of yourself as a person, and how you acquire capability and knowledge. Additionally it is about how you develop in maturity, in the way you are educated, how you work, and how you develop socially.

Understandably, the influence we receive from our parents, socially, at school and in later education, all has a significant impact on Personal Development. The bottom line however is self effort. A swimmer can be provided with the best coaches, but races will not be won until they have trained long and hard, and are self motivated to take the gold medal.

Individual growth in terms of one's character, and in terms of one's skills, represent two important components of Personal Development. And the third is about the growth of self inspiration to achieve. Most of us when we are young, develop personally in a Conventional manner.

Developing personally in a Conventional manner means quite normal early and later education. It also means experiencing pastimes and activities outside of academic education. I found in my study of 100 people who are world famous and successful, that 52% of them were Conventional in their Personal Development as youngsters.

Other young people develop personally in more of a Specialized manner. We may have been a great guitar player, or an outstanding athlete. Our family may have been prepared, and inspired us to grow our talent in a focused way, also meaning that we left formal academic education early.

Other Specialized forms of personal development include pursuing vocations, apprenticeships or trades while still young. So developing personally in a Specialized manner, can embrace many alternatives. In researching the patterns of success behind famous people in the world, I found 24% of them were Specialized, as youngsters.

In addition to the more Specialized or Conventional forms of Personal Development, there is one more significant development option. This is Personal Development through Broad Life Experience as youngsters. In so doing, they leave the more typical pathway of academic education.

With Broad Life Experience, young people pursue their own lives, wherever this takes them. This is how they learn and acquire capability, in other words by being involved on the ground in different walks of life. This also comes about by watching other people and life happenings all around them.

So this is experiencing life for real, compared to reading about it. Some would call this their life university, although they may have regrets that they didn't undertake formal tertiary education. In my study of famous people, 24% seemed to have developed via Broad Life Experience as youngsters.

Article Source :

Should you want to find out all about innovative approaches to survival, prosperity and career achievement, visit Peter Stephenson's Personal Development, where you will find a range of freebies including Top 30 Career Guides

Friday 1 January 2010

Can Life Coaching Turn My Dreams Into Reality?

A person assigned to help you with various issues in your daily life is called a life coach. To help the clients achieve whatever goals in life they have is the purpose of life coaching. Besides that, they also help in getting their clients through a difficult phase in their lives.

All kinds of people can seek the services of a life coach. One could be on a very prestigious post and one could be a total professional failure; that does not matter. What matters is your need for someone to guide you for direction and support. A life coach can give you pointers about things, like a career change or regarding difficult decisions in your life.

Furthermore, your role can also differ. For instance, it can be a mother or a housewife who needs help regarding her life pattern. Also, you can be someone who is seeking a positive, more cheerful outlook towards life, with which a life coach can help you. The problems that a life coach can solve are of every nature and kind.

There are two categories of life coaching. The first one is personal life coaching. For instance, there are phases when you are in confusion about what path to take. This crossroads state could be crucial and advice is needed at this stage. A life coach is just the right person you need. Or else, in another case, if you think you are lacking something in your personality, such as eloquence or courage, a life coach could be helpful in improving your traits.

If you need help in your professional life, you can hire a career life coach. Sometimes, it so happens that you are stuck in a career, which you are no longer motivated for, and wish to choose a different career path. A life coach can help you consider all your options, and take steps to rebuild your career. A life coach can also help you perform better in a working environment, and to gain more confidence, and competitive drive. In this way, you can excel at work with the help of your life coach.

To achieve your dreams, a life coach could be very helpful. Be those life purposes or goals, hiring a life coach can be very helpful in the fulfilment of that particular aim or purpose. With the help and guidance of a life coach, we can facilitate our dreams to the shade of reality, something that we seldom deemed possible.

However, with the stresses, and pressures of the modern life, we find too little time to work on our dream, and we let our potential go to waste. A life coach can help you come up with a schedule, which you can balance with your other commitments. He/she can help you remain motivated, and positive, and will help you bring changes in your life.

These days, life coaching is turning out to be a popular profession with more people opting out for it. One can easily find a life coach with the help of a personal reference or through the internet, a decision that can help you achieve your life dreams.

Article Source :

Andy D Gallagher is a training consultant. You can start a good career by taking nlp practitioner training. For more information you can visit the recommended site at

Thursday 31 December 2009

The Law of Attraction Basics

What the Law of Attraction says, in a nutshell, is that like attracts like . This means that the things you think about the most are the things you will have in your life. So you may be wondering why we don t all have a million dollars, a mansion and a yacht since we all want to be wealthy?

Well, if everyone was truly thinking about these things all the time and in the right way than it could really happen but they aren t doing that. Instead people are too busy thinking about all the things they don t have in their lives.

The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like which means that if you think about all the things you want in life like good health, money, success in school or work, a beautiful home or a happy marriage you will just have a whole lot of nothing. The Law of Attraction works but not like that. It is a little more complicated.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to go beyond wishing for things and start thinking about how it would feel to have them, believe that you can and will have them and that you deserve to have them. You need to think positively in this way all the time in order for it to work.

You need to imprint your objectives into your subconscious mind on a subconscious level. To make so, download and use Subliminal Flash program, it uses subliminal messages to help you visualize your desires as if they are real.

Does it sound too good to be true? A lot of people think so. They don t understand how thinking about having a beautiful house can actually get you one. They don t think it makes sense that believing you will get a raise will lead to you getting a raise. Some people can t wrap their minds around the idea that using positive thought will help you achieve all your goals in life.

Do you understand this? Answer this question if you truly believe that you will never have the home, car or job of your dreams because it just isn t possible what will happen? You will get what you asked for, you won t have any of those things.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to picture your dreams coming true and see the things you want in your head. You must imagine what it will be like to really have them. You also have to truly believe that these things will happen and the things you want will come to you. That is all there is to it. The problem is our society focuses on earning the things you want so people are reluctant to believe that the Law of Attraction really can work for them.

There is no magic associated with the Law of Attraction. The things you desire are not going to show up on your doorstep overnight. Instead, the Law of Attraction presents you with opportunities to get the things you want in other ways. You may have to work for these things or it may be a little easier than that, it just depends.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you must be focused and present at all times. You have to think good thoughts and share those thoughts with the Universe. You will get a response from the Universe if you do this. You have to be open to new opportunities so you can recognize when the Universe sends them your way.

Article Source :

Vlad Stivenson, author of many articles about the law of attraction:

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Success - How Long Does It Take To Become Successful? 5 Components To Have Success!

As a society, we have developed an expectation of "instant" or "microwave results" and if those results are not met within the time frame we have established in our mind, then we can tend to get frustrated, and maybe quit working towards a successful outcome.
Author: Greg Nicholls

I enjoy microwave popcorn and I really like the fact that it is ready about 2-3 minutes from when I decide that I want some. I am also amazed at how computers have changed over the years; they have become faster and faster as the technology changed. But my favourite, is that I can be walking down the street
and decide that I want to speak on the phone with somebody and in 15 seconds I can have a mobile phone call connected.

In most cases, I have come to expect that when I want something now, that means I WANT IT NOW! Think about my example above, if it took 2-3 minutes for my mobile phone call to connect a call, or for my computer programs to open, I would likely be really frustrated - it would seem to be forever, but 2-3 minutes for popcorn is ok.

As a society, we have developed an expectation of “instant” or “microwave results” and if those results are not met within the time frame we have established in our mind, then we can tend to get frustrated, and maybe quit working towards a successful outcome.

“How long does it take to become successful?”

Do you think that the inventors of microwave popcorn developed the technology to produce microwave popcorn in 2-3 minutes, or 2-3 months? No, it was likely 2-3 years and guess what, they are still perfecting their success.

Although it does happen sometimes, what seems like “instant” or “microwave success” is becoming an expectation for almost everything, usually because the people observing the success of others, do not know about the actual amount of work the person has done before they got there. Those having success were just ready to receive success and that is when it came to them, but they became ready by being a student of some form of personal development.

Ok, now it is time to put down the popcorn, stop playing with your computer and shut off your mobile phone so we can get into the five specific components to success. It has been said many times before and here it is again…success is a choice and you can choose to succeed, or you can choose to fail, the good news is the choice is yours to make every single day.

Personal Development is actually a general description for the many small changes and choices made in your life daily towards your own personal success. There is a law to attracting success into your life and I will let you know of a movie that I recommend that reveals “the secret” below.

Now, success can be attained by following five simple recommendations; if you truly desire success, you will want to make sure that you implement these instructions and practice the five components to success daily:

1. Daily Meditation/Visualization of Goals – Specific goal setting and daily review; visualize your Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) goals with the emotion as if you have already have attained them.

2. Daily Income-Producing Activities – You can choose to be doing something that will produce revenue right now, if you are just thinking about it or trying to get your ducks in row, you are just wasting time. As Mike Litman says: “You Don’t Have To Get It Right, You Just Have to Get It Going!”

3. Study Personal Development – On a daily basis too; you can get plugged into the study of personal development, if you do not, you simply become a reflection of what you are plugged into (news media, negative friends and anything else that can bring you down) you are a product of what you allow into your mind.

4. Mastermind With Other Leaders - Have mentors and a coach; people that are having success in the area you want to succeed in people that are willing to teach you and keep you on track. Once you get a hold of them, do not let go! If you let them get away, they will not wait for you to catch up.

5. Cultivate The Expectation of Leadership – Leaders lead by example and do not look back and dwell on their failures. Expect excellence from yourself first and do the things you need to do on a daily basis. Then you can expect the same from others; the people that will become successful and contribute to your success by your influence and example. These people will have followed you because you expect leadership and success in yourself and in those around you.

While there are no guarantees in life; you can choose to follow the five components to success and implement them into your life consistently. When you do, you will get everything you desire!

Success and how long it takes to become successful...You should now understand; the answer to this is totally up to you!

Because YOU Deserve Money!

Greg Nicholls

© 2006. Nicholls Enterprises -

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Find Your Aim

In comparison to those that have no purpose in life, people that know what they live for seem happier and more energetic

They are focused on the aim that captures their thoughts and makes it easier to look at the negative things. Despite the difficulties in the strategy they have established they never stop thinking about the next step. If you attain the aim in your life, it becomes its sense and is the source of motivation. Being motivated you will start your both physical and spiritual development attaining new skills and you always dreamed of. You are guided by the stages you have established to reach the aim and forget about the intermediate problems that might occur on the way to the top.

After the consideration of the mentioned above is complete, the majority still tries to ignore the importance of having aims and just goes with the flow. Think carefully what kind of present would you like to get for yourself? Which variant out of listed below will be changing your life? At what positive change do you aim? Look through the following variants carefully and maybe you will find answers to the questions that are troubling you.

I commit myself to change the system of values in my life to tailor it to positively-oriented system. Every time I have a vacation I will make up a plan that will help me to spend it in an unforgettable way. I realize that new orientations will cost me a lot, but I’m ready to fight the circumstances. I oblige myself to dedicating time to formulation of a strategy that will help me on my way to success. In spite of the strain I am subjected to I will get necessary rest and spend time relaxing and having fun. Some of the duties will be sacrificed in the name of development and will not be regretted. I will make up a list of positive factors present in my life and establish new orientations. Every step towards success will bring me pleasure.

To make it easier to walk towards the light in my life I will get necessary practice. I will also develop my talents and acquire new skills to feel a step closer all the time. I will take my plans seriously and the process will bring pleasure. If there will be doubts, I will turn for help of my family and friends for advice. After I have a talk to those who are dear, my list will look like I always wanted it to. Final choice will depend on my desires I never had a chance to express. I will adhere to the plan established with little modification if necessary and no situation unless it is worthy will make me leave a track I have established.

I will transfer the most pleasant factor in my life into the aim and work in the direction of its development. I will focus on positive, seeing it only where it was only negative earlier. I will change my job if it is of no career interest any more, I will realize the dreams I have had always. I will turn my hobbies into business if it is possible to get income
and pleasure. I will eliminate negative factors in my consciousness and find new things to focus on. I will be ready for negative surprises and will delete them situation permitting. I will not stop thinking about the final result and move only forward. I will share success to make the dearest and nearest also happy. And I will never forget that this is my life and my choice I have to make.

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The article was produced by Tyler Benson from , who has many years of experience in Custom Term Paper and Admission Essay writing. Check out more info on our website!

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